Comments on: What Homes Do Millennials Buy? National Association of Home Builders Discusses Economics and Housing Policy Tue, 20 Aug 2024 14:48:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dean Phillips Tue, 12 Mar 2019 23:45:22 +0000 I thought it was really interesting how the article mentioned that more than two-thirds of Millennials bought single-family detached homes. My wife and I have been wanting to upgrade from a two-bedroom apartment to a single-family home so that we can have more room for when we have children. It would be good for us to find an agent or website that can help us decide what house would be within our price range.

By: Ridley Fitzgerald Wed, 06 Feb 2019 01:10:48 +0000 It’s interesting to know more about what homes millennials buy. I like how your graph shows that the largest portion of them buy the smaller homes. To be honest, that’s probably what my wife and I will look at because we don’t need a huge house.
