Comments on: Single-Family Construction Slows in Post-Covid Hot Markets National Association of Home Builders Discusses Economics and Housing Policy Sun, 11 Dec 2022 20:59:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Diane Sun, 11 Dec 2022 20:59:31 +0000 I believe we are seeing too much negative comments on home building. This has caused many to be afraid to build and yet we are in need of housing everywhere.

Homes are selling like hot cakes, investors are making tons of money and yet no one wants to build. Yes, construction cost is higher, yet we hear stories of bidding wars. People are not expecting a low priced home anymore. Families are paying way over the appraised home just to have a place to live.

I own a development and I know it can work.

Don’t let these political scare tactics keep you from building.

Compare bidding wars to cost to build, do your research.
